Insulin Resistance Assessment

Based upon your health profile for the past 30 days, please select the appropriate number, from ‘0 – 3’ on all questions. Check the number you feel best applies, then add the total number from each question and divide by 81 to create your score. Please choose only one answer per question.

Point Scale:
0 = Never or almost never have the experience/effect. 1 = Mild experiences/effects
1 = Mild experiences/effects
2 = Moderate experiences/effects
3 = Severe/chronic experiences/effects

For all yes/no questions, 0 = no and 3 = yes

How to Interpret Results: Grand Total / 81

0-10% – Overall good blood sugar balance. Sound nutrition and healthy habits will maintain good balance.

11-20% – In need of a tune up to restore blood sugar balance before serious illness sets in. Diet and lifestyle improvements should shift to normal.

21-35% – Your blood sugar is out of balance and needs attention.

36-50% – Your blood sugar balance is very compromised and this is likely to significantly affect your state of health, well-being, and energy level.

51-100% – Your blood sugar balance is severely compromised and require immediate attention.

Insulin Resistance Symptom Questions

*With permission by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo